Friday 10 April 2015

65 booths shut from may 31 across state

To all the ones who frequently travel by road outside Pune, 65 toll booths across state have been announced closure from May 31 midnight.  Pune is said to be benefitted the most from the closure, where a single toll fee of 150 rupee will be saved for almost 7 to 8 toll booths.

Tuesday 7 April 2015

An app for emergency times!

Indian railways launch an application and google circle for an emergency response service. For Pune, the app will play a role during emergencies, be it railway or any. As per a spokesperson of Pune Rails,  the circle is to make sure no communication loss occurs during time of any sort of emergency! Make sure you the app and are added to the circle by Indian Rails

Monday 6 April 2015

19 year old drop out a hit on youtube

Karan Singh Arora, known by his signature, This is KSA, is a Pune based young rapper also a college deop out. Karan says, "One should always do what they are good at. After 12th I took admissions in Wadia college, but soon realized that I need to do what am good at, which was music" His first rap based on Shiv is a fusion of dance and rock music.

View his fb page and the video shared on it -

Saturday 4 April 2015

World Architecture Festival in Pune

Opening doors to World Architecture Festival also known as the Oscars in the Architect and Design fraternity, Pune is the 6th city to host the event. With over 350 entries from world over, an excellent platform for students from architecture background. The event also has panels of the World Building 2014.
Event at Ishanya Mall, Viman Nagar
On 4th n 5th April

Wednesday 1 April 2015

ALERT Punekars!!

A recent report by Indian Express showed that Delhi's Air Pollution is raised to a level where now children and senior citizens with respiratory ailments are asked to leave the city by doctors. 10 years back Delhi was where currently Pune is in terms of Air Pollution. IITM head Gufran Beig commented on Pune's condition by saying, "Now is the time to curb the zir pollution of the city before it becomes second Delhi. The UV index of the city is already 7 in March, which is considerably bad, temperature had risen to maximum of 35 degree celsius and the pollution levels are increased by 40 per dent than last year"

An alraming situation and the right time for Punekars to come together and bring a change!

Tuesday 31 March 2015

At the age of 94, would you like to come on a trek!

A good read to spend the evening!

What would you do when you are 94 years of age? For most of them reading this question, they would actually not be sure of hitting the 90's at all. But here we have a Punekar who is 94 and one can often spot him trekking the Sinhgad on sundays.

N K Mahajan, former principal, navy scout guide amd a vigilant scout himself is not only a Limca holder for paragliding at the age of 88, but he was also invited in Satyamev Jayate - a talk show hosted by Aamir Khan.

An imspiration for the young, secret to N K Mahajan's ypung at heart attitude is quite simple. He says all one has to do to live young is eat half, drink double water, exercise thrice and most importantly laugh four times! At the time when we youngsters live in our 9 to 5 jobs worried about girlfriends, salary hikes and traffic, this young man I must say teaches us that life is not to be lived in stress, it is to be enjoyed!

We at Pune Fast sign off for today with this positive message from this super positive individual!

Monday 30 March 2015

Punekars no longer decide over the the citys DP

With the state government taking over the Development Plan of old city, Punekars will be left with no say on the same. Be it because of the indecisivenenss or lazy working of PMC, the city's development plan of 2007-2027 still in paperwork alone!